Want to save BIG on your electric bill?
We love keeping the house at a comfortable temperature. Problem is, we live in a very warm location and our home is poorly insulated! Keeping the AC on 24/7 will end up costing a lot of money. So what to do? Install a ceiling fan. Properly sized they do wonders! They really shine at night when it isn't too hot outside but still uncomfortable indoors. Keeping a fan on at night uses a lot less electricity than keeping on an AC.
Bad news, but true water softeners are illegal for residential use in Israel.
Only water softeners that operate using salt physically remove calcium and magnesium. Every other so-called water softener conditions, or purportedly conditions, the water. Their efficacy, however, is the matter of much dispute as it is impossible to scientifically test the water and because many factors influence the results. Many people are conned into purchasing/installing inexpensive filters containing poly-phosphate thinking that they will completely remove all the hardness and prevent any buildup of mineral deposits in the plumbing system. This is patently false! I am not against installing poly-phosphate filters. I am against lying to customers about the efficacy of said filters. Oh, and those magnets sold by washing machine technicians? Garbage. Sorry for the cynicism but it is downright criminal to mislead your customer! As always, it is important to educate yourself before you go ahead with a purchase. The summer is here! That means you have shut off your heating system. If you are not using forced air but rather underfloor heating or radiators you will want to run the system at least once during the summer. Leaving a heating system stagnant for longer than six months is not healthy and may
Many contractors and tilers disregard the sewer access covers in people’s yards and just tile right over. Yes, that’s right. If you ever have a sewage backup and need quick access — you won’t. Instead of popping off the cover, putting in the rods and getting the job done you’ll need to tear up your beautiful patio to find the cover. That will cost you a lot of money, a lot of time, and a lot of agony.
Don’t put yourself in that position. Don’t rely on the contractor. Keep your eyes open and make sure the job is done right. Yaacov Prupis Myth: Partially closing your main supply valve will protect your pipes from high pressure.
Truth: Only a pressure reducer will protect your pipes from high pressure. Closing your valve will only restrict the water flow (dynamic pressure), not the damaging static pressure. You see the tube in the center of the toilet tank? That is the overflow. If the float fails and water continues to pour into the tank the excess watet flows down into the bowl.
A client called us because he kept finding pools of water on his bathroom floor. Why? We discovered that the float was jamming and the excess water began flowing onto the floor. But wait. What about the overflow? It is difficult to notice in the picture but the overflow tube extends beyond the two holes on the sides! The cap on the left and float on the right are not water tight. Result: flood. We have seen this several times. Go check the toilets in your house and make sure the overflow is installed correctly. Yaacov Solids not flushing properly?
For some this may be a difficult subject to broach. Especially if they are the only household member clogging the toilet. It is comforting to know, then, that this problem is not all too uncommon. Here are some common causes for chronic toilet clogging: Toilet is old and needs to be changed to a newer, better model; Mineral deposits built up decreasing the flow rate into the bowl and thus efficacy, of the flush. Flushing capacity needs to be increased; Persons diet needs to be changed. In regards to the last possibility, often a new medication interferes with a persons digestion. Other times it is simply the persons diet at fault. The result is too large, too tough fecal matter that cannot make it past the toilet bend. One should talk with their general practitioner to find an alternative medicine or change in diet. As always, feel free to drop a line, e-mail or comment. Suggestions for topics to discuss are always welcome! Yaacov Prupis |
July 2020