Solids not flushing properly?
For some this may be a difficult subject to broach. Especially if they are the only household member clogging the toilet. It is comforting to know, then, that this problem is not all too uncommon. Here are some common causes for chronic toilet clogging: Toilet is old and needs to be changed to a newer, better model; Mineral deposits built up decreasing the flow rate into the bowl and thus efficacy, of the flush. Flushing capacity needs to be increased; Persons diet needs to be changed. In regards to the last possibility, often a new medication interferes with a persons digestion. Other times it is simply the persons diet at fault. The result is too large, too tough fecal matter that cannot make it past the toilet bend. One should talk with their general practitioner to find an alternative medicine or change in diet. As always, feel free to drop a line, e-mail or comment. Suggestions for topics to discuss are always welcome! Yaacov Prupis
14/4/2013 01:25:55 am
or the toilet is simply designed poorly, does not have good flushing capabilities
Yaacov Pinchas Prupis
14/4/2013 02:23:37 am
Jacob, thank you for your input. In my mind I included that in the first possible cause I mentioned. I should note, however, that toilets here in Israel are not as sophisticated as those in America. The design is very simple and standard. In general, therefore, the problem is not the flushing capabilities of a newly installed toilet.
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