I was packing my groceries when these toilet bowl fresheners caught my attention. They remind me of the cost of convenience. Often society looks for the quickest, easiest way to accomplish a goal without considering the repercussions. It is not unusual for me to get a call from a client saying they think the freshener was flushed down the toilet consequently causing a clog. Retrieving them from the waste piping can be a tedious and costly affair. If after examining the cost-benefit analysis one is still willing to take the risk, great. But at least understand the risk involved. In our home we simply leave a toilet brush and cleaner in close proximity and regularly clean the bowl. It only takes a few seconds. All the best, Yaacov Prupis
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What is more shocking than the burnt out wire on the left is the yellow and green wire on the right. That wire is the ground wire. It is supposed to be connected to the body of the boiler. It is not. If you look closer you can also see a bolt missing that is meant to hold tight another wire meant to ground the heating element. It is there to protect human life. If G-d forbid there is an electrical leak somewhere the escaping current is meant to run through that wire to the ground. If it is not connected and there is a leak and someone touches that boiler...yup, not good news for whoever touches it...Sadly many boilers we service are not grounded. We all know those disastrous kitchen clogs occur at the worst times: Shabbat eve, holiday eve and whenever you are preparing food for tons of guests!
Two things come to mind: how to mitigate those nasty clogs, and how to ensure we're not surprised by a total blockage 3 o'clock on a Friday afternoon. In regards to the former, the main ingredients in tough kitchen clogs are Fat, Oil & Grease, or FOG. Over time that greasy residue on your plates and pans that you wash down the sink congeal, constricting the pipe until it becomes totally blocked. That leads us to the latter issue. Clogs don't sneak up on us. There are warning signs. The sink begins to drain slowly before it becomes totally blocked. Therefore, try as much as possible to throw FOG from your meal and meal prep into the garbage. Also, when you start realizing a clog is developing deal with it straightaway, whether that means a DIY project or calling a plumber. Happy Passover! P.S. If you live in Jerusalem and find yourself being overtaken by a monstrous kitchen clog you can call us for a thorough drain cleaning at 054.323.7877 |
July 2020